To run a database that can be used by the Ampersand prototype framework, you can easily use a Docker image from: docker.pkg.github.com/ampersandtarski/prototype-db/prototype-db
Deploying your Ampersand-script involves building an application, baking an image, deploying it on your local docker platform, and running the result from your browser. Most of that process is automa
Make sure that ports 80 and 443 on your laptop are available. (In other words: if you run a web server on your laptop, bring it down.)
Make sure that docker is running on your laptop.
git clone https://github.com/AmpersandTarski/project-template into an empty directory, so you have all the necessary files needed to deploy your application. We will call this the working directory.
Substitute the file "MyScript.adl" in the working directory for the Ampersand script you want to run.
Edit the file .env
to choose a root password for the database and an ampersand password for your application that accesses this database. Please choose safer passwords than the ones shown, which are merely examples. DON't publish the .env
file once it contains your passwords. If you make your own repository, take care that your passwords do not accidentally appear on github.
Edit the file Dockerfile
and substitute the filename "MyScript.adl" for the file name of your Ampersand script.
Open a command line interface (CLI) and navigate to this directory
Call "docker compose build". This step bakes your image. Docker stores that image on your laptop.
Call "docker network create proxy". The configuration uses a docker network called "proxy" to connect to ports 80 and 443 of your laptop, so you can use your browser to play with your application
Call "docker compose up -d". This instructs docker to deploy your application.
Go to your browser and navigate to localhost
to access you application.
Press the red install button on your application to spin up the database under your application.
Now you are set to go and tinker with your application.
to be done
To use the Ampersand compiler from the command line without installing Ampersand, you can call on Docker. This page gives you the quick "how-to's" for this purpose.
To run the Ampersand compiler from any computer that runs docker, use a Docker image from our Ampersand repository on GitHub: docker.pkg.github.com/ampersandtarski/ampersand/ampersand
Make a shortcut tag to save typing:
Different tags are available, e.g.:
:latest -> development branch It contains the most recent developments that have passed the automated test sets.
:stable -> master branche This contains the latest stable release of ampersand. Use it for the lowest risk.
:[branch] -> specific branch This allows you to pick a version yourself
:v3.17 -> specific tags/releases To use a specific previous version.
This alternative presumes you have docker
installed on your computer and it can be found (i.e. the path is set correctly).
If you experience problems downloading from docker.pkg.github.com
, you may first have to log in with an appropriate token. Generate a token and be sure to switch on all repo-rights and the read:packages
-right. With that token log in:
Deploying your Ampersand application has been automated, so you can deploy fast and deploy anywhere. Read this section for the quick "how-to's", examples, and the bigger picture behind it.
Different aspects of the Ampersand user's environment can be containerized 1. Ampersand compiler 1. Modelling environment for Ampersand user (incl. VSCode extensions) 1. Prototype environment, including:
Apache webserver with PHP
Ampersand compiler
NPM (Node Package Manager)
Multi-stage prototype build, only:
Apache webserver with PHP
Generated code
Prototype database
MariaDB with default user/password
A docker-compose file is available to deploy prototype, database and supporting tools (like phpMyAdmin)
Detailed technical instructions are at under the directory listing. This page provides more general and summarized information as context.
The contains a docker-compose and Dockerfile to generate, build and run a prototype application.
Run: docker-compose up -d
to deploy the following services:
Apache webserver
Serves your prototypes
Available in the browser at http://localhost:80
phpMyAdmin dashboard
Available in the browser at http://localhost:8080
MariaDB database
Not directly exposed on host
Click on the green “Code” button and pull down to “Download ZIP”
Download the zip and copy the directory on your laptop
With a command line interface:
docker-compose up –d
you may need to enter “docker network create proxy” and repeat “docker-compose up –d”. The second time is a lot faster
Go to the Docker desktop app
Find rap-master or the name you gave this docker app
Click the play button (the triangle)
Go to “localhost” on your browser and RAP should be running there as it does on the course server
If that doesn’t work then to back to docker and stop and restart rap4 but enter “2020” as the port and go on the browser to “localhost:2020”
Install Docker from and start the desktop app
Go to
RAP's GitHub site has more technical install instructions at