
This page describes the notion of term. Its subpages provide several interpretations of terms, all of which are valid so you can use each interpretation at your own discretion.


The purpose of a term is to compute pairs that constitute a relation. We use operators to assemble terms from smaller terms, to express in formal language precisely what is meant in the natural language of the business. The smallest term is a single relation.

We noticed that our readers have different backgrounds. They have different preferences about the way we explain the operators in Ampersand. Some prefer an explanation in logic, others in algebra, and still others in set theory. So we decided to explain the operators in many different ways simultaneously, hoping that one of them suits your preference.


A term is a combination of operators and relations. Its meaning is a set of pairs, which is in fact a newly created relation. The word "expression" may be used as a synonym for "term" in the context of Ampersand.




I /\ goalkeeper;goalkeeper~

destination;"Algarve" |- spoken;"Portugese"


Every term is built out of relations, which are combined by operators. An term has one of the following 8 syntactic structures

<Term> <BinaryOperator> <Term>
<UnaryOpPre> <Term>
<Term> <UnaryOpPost>
<RelationRef> <type>?
I <type>?
V <type>?
( <Term> )


The operators come in families. We advise novices to study only the rule operators, boolean operators and relational operators. There is a wealth of things you can express with just these operators. The residual operators seem harder to learn and the Kleene operators are not fully implemented yet. You can click the hyperlink to navigate to the semantics of each family.


Notation on the keyboard

When coding in Ampersand, these operators are typed with characters on the keyboard. The following table shows the operators in math and their equivalent in code:

Last updated